
Article Title : Legislation Proposed in Illinois to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Receive Student Loans |
Comments :
Senator Sandoval........you are dead wrong to have even written this u p as a proposed law. Yes, people should get an education. But ILLEGAL immigrants, i.e., illegal aliens, DO NOT deserve to receive loans or g rants [private or publicly-funded in the U.S.! I don't care if the ill egal alien is from Mexico, a country in Central or South America, Russ ia, England, Iceland, South Africa, Iran, Turkey, etc. They're still i llegal aliens. American kids, hell, Americans period, would have to co mpete with an illegal alien [who wouldn't even have to be a "kid", wou ld they?!] to receive those loans to pay for their college education. If an illegal alien wants an education here in the U.S.......they can pay for it themselves.....or leave, become a U.S. citizen legally, and then apply for those loans or work/study programs! Why in the hell do American taxpayers, American businesses, or American anything have to pay for an ILLEGAL ALIEN'S education? Why should American students, w hether they're teens or older adults trying to begin a new career, hav e to be denied funding for college because some illegal alien received those funds for their education?! Where does it say in our U.S. const itution that we have to pay for the world's problems, including the pr oblems that illegal aliens cast upon our country? And, on top of that, I don't see where your bill makes it mandatory that they complete the ir education and earn an actual degree! Who the hell do you think you' re kidding? Do you WANT to further bankrupt our country? All you liber als are making absolutely ridiculous demands upon the citizenry of thi s country, undermining our political history, and working against Amer ican students. Shame, shame, shame on you to take the side of an illeg al alien over that of an American. |
Posted By : Diana Brunet