We know that you have many options when you choose preferred lenders for your students, but we would like to show you what sets Law School Loans apart from other student finance companies.
Unlike larger organizations, we are able to offer personalized service to each of our clients. We believe very strongly in offering the highest quality client care available, and we know that this is the single most important way we can distinguish ourselves from the myriad competing forces in this market. When a student or graduate chooses to obtain a loan or consolidate existing loans through Law School Loans, he or she will work with just one financial advisor for the duration of his or her interaction with our company. That advisor will be intimately familiar with all the details of the account and the client’s unique situation.
This is the signature aspect of our client interaction, and we are proud to claim that each client has direct access to a personal advisor. Our clients never experience long hold times, unreturned phone calls or emails, lost or missing paperwork, or disrespectful or negligent treatment.
Many individuals in our family of clients have experienced the extraordinary extent of this all-important concern for their satisfaction. When necessary, we have provided overnight and even same-day cross-country courier service for important documents. During the periods preceding important deadlines, we have established temporary offices in strategic locations to ensure that no application is lost, unaccounted for, or delivered late. We never rely on regular mail alone to communicate with our clients; most of the time, we try to stay in touch with personal, friendly telephone calls, as well.
This profound respect for our customers stems from complete familiarity with their situation: As a company founded by attorneys, we are acutely aware of the high cost of higher education and are committed to making college affordable for everyone.
Our specialists are always on call to speak with financial aid administrators. If you have any specific inquiries about our company, we recommend that you call or email Carleen Trapp. Carleen can be reached at 626.243.1881 or by sending email to carleen@lawschoolloans.com.
On our website, LawSchoolLoans.com, we offer many tools for financial aid administrators as well as students, graduates, and their families. Exit and entrance counseling modules are available, and counselors are standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to chat online or receive telephone calls.
We also provide supplementary materials, such as a wide range of financial news items and articles, and we provide informative brochures and posters to financial aid offices free of charge. Please click here to find out more about ordering brochures and posters for your office.
As always, we welcome feedback from you, and we hope you will not hesitate to contact us if you have any comments or questions.